Skillmap is the #1 tool to amplify the focus on your skills in your CV.

Skillmaps regard multiple dimensions and present your skills in an interesting and interactive way.

The four pillars of the skillmap

Skillmaps replace the skill section of your CV. Despite just stating your skills in a list and rate them independently from eachother on a scale from "beginner" over "intermediate" to "expert", skillmaps focus on four pillars per skill and set all skills in relation.

How much time during a normal work week did you mold your skill?

Every employee has around 40 hours a week to shape their skills. How much of this time is invested in the specific skill? The number of hours gives an indication, if the stated skill is one of your mainly applied competencies.

How many years and months did you invest in your skill?

Besides the weekly investment, it takes a long time period to improve your skill in depth. Every new day, week, month or year brings new challenges you have to face with your skill and helps you to further develop it.

When was the last time you were applying the skill?

Technologies, jobs and circumstances are changing rapidly and so do the requirements for your skill. Thus, it is important to regard in your skill review, when you last applied your skill.

What have you done?

Alongside the quantitative factors, it is of high importance to describe in which context you used the skill, where it helped you to succeed and to provide deeper insights about your knowledge and proficiency of certain skill. Therefore, a detailed description of a project or certain tasks, where you deployed the skills is of high significance.

Discover your individual skillmap